Travel Again — Like a Child

Where Did Travel Go?
2 min readSep 7, 2020

We need to get back to basics and embrace travel as children do.

This moment captivated what “travel” really is all about — a child’s curiosity.

It was supposed to be a simple 2-stop ride on the monorail back home this weekend. I forgot what it meant to “travel” until I saw this picture of my sone when I got home.

What’s going on inside his head at that moment?

A boy, on a train, sitting next to the conductor, viewing a world straight out of a science fiction movie, ominous clouds from a passing typhoon included.

I would like to think that this brief moment in time will stick with him for quite a while, if not the rest of his life. This is the essence of travel.

Where Did Travel Go?

Where Did Travel Go Podcast

This has been the theme of my new podcast the past 1 month.

Scratching our heads and feeling restricted by our limitations, the wanderlust of travel is pent up inside all of us, just dying to come out via a plane trip with suitcase and passport in hand.

And while there are a number of amazing innovative digital experiences that have come about to supplement our lack of physical travel, our childish wonder is the true essence of what it means to travel.

Explore, Dream, Discover

It’s time to get on your bike again. Explore your neighborhood or a new one from a different perspective. Appreciate the little things it has to offer.

Dare to push yourself into a new hobby.

For me, it was jumping into podcasting. It’s provided a bit of ‘virtual travel’ in a way, but it has also opened up opportunities to get out and discover new places I wouldn’t have visited had I not done this.

The only limitation really holding us back right now is our own curiosity and willingness to create our realities.

Where Did Travel Go Podcast



Where Did Travel Go?

Jessop Petroski — Producer, Photographer, Travel Innovator, Disaster Relief Volunteer